OffshoreDedicated Review OffshoreDedicated 고객의 전문가 및 사용자 통찰력: OffshoreDedicated bring simplicity and freshness to keep your website up and running. We are committed to provide reliable anonymous offshore hosting with protection from any encroachment, maintaining our client’s rights to full freedom of information and independence.
We value and treasure freedom on the internet because this is one of the few places where it still remains.... 요금제 공유 호스팅 ₩6,610 - ₩19,850 VPS ₩19,850 - ₩46,330 전용 서버 ₩86,060 - ₩3,309,940
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OffshoreDedicated의 추천 대안 1 Best Overall
24/7/365 기술 지원이 포함된 올인원 웹 호스팅
무료 SSL, 무료 이전, 자동 스크립트 설치 프로그램, 원 클릭 WordPress 설치 및 백업
₩ 3,960 / mo
2 Best Europen VPS
30 Days Moneyback Guarantee
Free Control Panel, Backups, Server monitoring, Transactional Emailing & SSL Certificates
₩ 1,260 / mo
3 Most Popular
30 Days Moneyback Guarantee
Simple Management, Guaranteed Dedicated Resources, Purpose-Built, High-End Data Centers
전화, 이메일, 채팅 및 지식 기반을 통한 24/7/365 지원
₩ 5,300 / mo
4 Users Top Choice
Free Trial – 30 Day Money Back
무료 도메인 등록, 매일 백업, 무료 CloudFlare CDN
채팅, 전화, 이메일, 티켓을 통한 24/7/365 지원
₩ 3,310 / mo
5 Best Europen Hosting
SSD 및 캐싱으로 3배 더 빠름, 매일 백업 및 쉬운 복구
채팅, 전화, 이메일, 티켓을 통한 24/7/365 지원
₩ 1,330 / mo
사용자 리뷰 | OffshoreDedicated 리뷰 작성 Pinned review Danny Mint
태국 사용자 |
22 Aug, 2023 | 18:08 New client for OffshoreDedicated I am a new client to OffshoreDedicated.NET. I found their staff cooperative and price competitive. So far in past 2 weeks, my complaints are all dealt without me knowing about any issue. Privacy and dealing with my issues was the reason I switched previous offshore service and , now with this provider, its worry-free hosting my streams on their network. Keep it up, stay strong OffshoreDedicated. Cheers.
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